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Session Details

Concurrent Session: Extracellular Vesicles: Bench to Bedside
Saturday, September 9, 2023 03:15 PM - 04:15 PM  
Grand Ballroom L
Elani Wiest, PhD, Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, USA

Bruna Corradetti, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, USA – Exosomes as reconfigurable delivery systems: advantages and pitfalls for therapeutic applications
Honami Naora, PhD, MD Anderson, USA – Identification of miRNA-enriched extracellular vesicles that derive from cancer cells: Implications for liquid biopsy
Elani Wiest, PhD, Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, USA  – Developing a platform to manufacture cGMP-grade MSCs and EVs simultaneously for clinical applications
Olesia Gololobova, MEng, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, USA – Unveiling Extracellular Vesicle Small RNA Biomarkers for Early Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease: Insights from Brain and Plasma

Session Objectives
  1. Identify (and overcome) potential limitations in developing exosome-based therapeutics for clinical applications.
  2. Describe the challenges associated with manufacturing cGMP-grade EVs for clinical applications.
  3. Understand why RNAs are valuable biomarkers for disease prediction.

Elani Wiest PhD
Associate Staff Scientist - Process Development
Mayo Clinic
Chair and Speaker

Bruna Corradetti PhD, MSc
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine

Olesia Gololobova MEng, PhD
Research Associate
Johns Hopkins University SOM

Honami Naora PhD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center